Appreciate Every Stage of a Plan 

It’s that time of year again. Athletes all over the world (or at least in the northern hemisphere) are dusting off training schedules and starting the long grind to prepare for races that might still be months away. Whether it is your first time training or your seventeenth it can seem like a long and... Continue Reading →

What My Plans are All About

Believe it or not, I had written a training program before I ever started a blog. I started toying with the idea of completing an olympic triathlon when my cousin completed one and really inspired me. He was in fact super fit but also busy and had a medical issue that might have held him... Continue Reading →

Are Women’s Only Races a Good Thing?

Women’s only running races are getting more popular. In practice they are meant to make many women more comfortable but the whole idea might make you a little bit less comfortable. One could make the argument that women’s only races are not inclusive because they exclude men and potentially non-binary and trans people from the... Continue Reading →

7 Not Quite Fitness Products I Love

I’ve often written posts about spring/summer/winter and fall running things I love for the year. For the last few years I have been more than set for fitness gear so I haven’t discovered many amazing new products. I’ve been doing a lot of organizing and moving projects around the house lately and it got me... Continue Reading →

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